Take advantage of the new wave of remote working

Remote work is here to stay, and you can't miss this opportunity.
Out of Office allows you to make your space available to those who are working from home.

Rent your space View map

Covid brought a reality that is here to stay: remote working.
People will work out of office more often, and need better and more inspiring places

"This model offers notable benefits to companies and their employees."
Harvard Business Review (November 2020)

"Remote work is here to stay."
The New York Times (February 21 2021)

Make an additional profit from your space in the hours with less movement

Out of Office:

Out of Office was created to be the AirBnB of coworking, to support restaurants, hotels and other businesses to make an additional profit due to the covid crisis

How much can you make?

Your monthly revenue, assuming that...

You make 10 places available to the platform, 9 hours a day (9am to 12pm; 2pm to 8pm).
Of those 9 hours, they are utilized at 50% (~5 hours) …and for each of those hours, you get 1 €

You have a revenue potential of 1,600€/Month

And if you count with an additional consumption of F&B of 5 €/Day per spot, you stand to double that to 3,200€

How does it work?

The user picks their spot through an interactive map

The spot is reserved and the transaction is effective

The user shows at the time with the reservation, and starts working!

The "Work from Home" opportunity


  • The space determines the seats and schedules available;
  • The user makes a reservation, per hour, through our platform
  • Check In, Work out: Your space is notified of this reservation, and the user shows it at arrival. Then, simply direct the user to the available table.
  • Tourists
  • Corporate Market: Companies offering as a solution for the productivity of their employees

An alternative to CoWork

  • Globally, 1.7 million people in 2017 used CoWork. It is expected that in 2022 it will be 5.1 Million (+200%)
  • There are 150 cowork spaces between Lisbon and Porto. It grew 70% since 2017
  • The Out of Office network will be a more economical alternative, offering greater proximity, flexibility and diversity. In addition to offering more inspiring spaces, less "corporate"

We are looking for the most inspiring places!

We accept applications from any type of space: restaurants, cafes, hotels, event stores, art galleries or museums! What we want is to have the most inspiring places, for those who want better alternatives to the office or home.
